The Wainwright and District Community Health Foundation was founded in 1995, the year that community Hospital boards were regionalized and transitioned to at that time the East Central Health Board (now Alberta Health Services). The Health Foundation was incorporated under Alberta Health and Wellness and our mandate according to our by-laws was to Enhance Health Services to our community by assisting in providing needed medical equipment to our Health Center that would provide health services to the greater good of our community.
Our By-laws were updated in 1998 to broaden the scope of what we are eligible to fund. Our objectives more reflect enhancing health care of the residents of our communities served by the foundation.
We work to finance or assist in the financing of the construction, equipping and support of those health care facilities, programs and services forming part of Alberta Health Services.
The Wainwright and District Community Health Foundation is a registered charitable organization.

The Wainwright and District Community Health Foundation distributed 348 hoodies to health care staff all around Wainwright! Thank you for being Health Care Hero's!

Congrats Dr. Brilz! An awards ceremony will be announced soon!

The Wainwright and District Community Health Foundation distributed 348 hoodies to health care staff all around Wainwright! Thank you for being Health Care Hero's!
Since its inception the foundation has been very well received by the community and they have supported the projects the Foundation has undertaken. The goal has been to fundraise for medical equipment that is high priority, state of the art, and equipment that is needed for the Wainwright Health Center to enhance Health services to our communities.
The Foundation has funded and set up projects like the Cardiac Rehab centre, 60 new electric beds for the Wainwright Health Center, specialized equipment such as a Harmonic Scalpel for tonsillectomies, ultra sound tubs, and a whole host of other equipment that needed to be replaced or updated in the Health Center.
The Foundation has had continued financial support from the community with well over a million dollars being raised for equipment that has made a significant difference in delivering Health Services to the people in our communities.
Our main fundraising event happens every spring, and we call it the Heart Strings and Roses Gala. Click here for more information!
Foundation Members
Deanna Waddell – Chairperson
Bill Lawson – Vice Chairperson
Sarah Hissett – Secretary/Public Relations
Hans Ayore – Treasurer
Sherri Pfisterer - Gala Chairperson
Trustees - Vic Callaghan, Shelley Leskow, Alex Smyl, Merv Firkus, Bob Foley,
Haidyn Golinowski, Dr. Cheyenne Vetter